Biosphere Reserve

We are located in the buffer zone of the Biosphere Reserve of Montes Azules, one of the last areas of jungle in Mexico, an amazing area of 331,000 Hectares.

Although the presence of fauna is quite common, sighting depends on the season and many other factors. Our region is located in the subtropical low jungle, as a result, all flora and fauna are exuberant and colored. La flora y fauna que encontrarás en nuestra región es la de la selva baja subtropical. 

fauna that you can see within the reserve

Weather and Geography


The altitude over sea level is only around 200 meters (650 ft.). Weather is tropical humid:

rain is frequent, though not permanent. 


Getting to Las Guacamayas will take you around 5 hours from both Comitán or Palenque. Calculate your timing and don't forget your swimming suit!

Reserva de Biósfera

We are located in the buffer zone of the Biosphere Reserve of Montes Azules, one of the last areas of jungle in Mexico, an amazing area of 331,000 Hectares.

Although the presence of fauna is quite common, sighting depends on the season and many other factors. Our region is located in the subtropical low jungle, as a result, all flora and fauna are exuberant and colored.

Although the presence of fauna is quite common, sighting depends on the season and many other factors. Our region is located in the subtropical low jungle, as a result, all flora and fauna are exuberant and colored.


La flora y fauna que encontrarás en nuestra región es la de la selva baja subtropical. Colores y vistas impresionantes.


La flora y fauna que encontrarás en nuestra región es la de la selva baja subtropical. Colores y vistas impresionantes.

Clima y Geografía

La altitud sobre el nivel del mar es de unos 200 metros,por lo que el clima es tropical húmedo. La lluvia es frecuente, aunque no permanente

La llegada a nuestro centro toma unas 5 horas desde Palenque o Comitán: ¡mide tus tiempos y no olvides el traje de baño!

La llegada a nuestro centro toma unas 5 horas desde Palenque o Comitán: ¡mide tus tiempos y no olvides el traje de baño!

Otras actividades y sitios a visitar en el área

Yaxchilán Mariposario Aguas Termales Bonampak Lagunas de Montebello